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√99以上 影山零士 310242-影山零士 死亡

Reiji Kageyama (影山 零士) Known to AEGIS intelligence as "Shadow," Kageyama wields a Minus Gate, which is the reverse of the normal (Positive) Gate Traumatized at a young age by many tragedies in his family, his original Gate of Foresight was warped intoGate Keepers 21 (ゲートキーパーズ21, Gēto Kīpāzu Nijūichi) is a sixpart sequel OVA series to the Gate Keepers animated TV series and has a darker and more serious plot than its predecessor Some of the questions left unanswered in the TV series are answered in this sequel Linking the two series are the characters Reiji Kageyama, Yukino Houjo, and the former Far Eastern AEGISイナズマイレブン アレスの天秤 第9話 総帥 影山零治の奇策 ツイート ゲーム原作 サッカー イナズマイレブン この作品もオススメ! この青空に約束を―~ようこそつぐみ寮へ~ 政宗くんのリベンジ 地球守护者 搜狗百科 影山零士 死亡